“Creative Workforce Development Through Learning Pathways” Toolkit


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Book Description

“Creative Workforce Development Through Learning Pathways” stands as a beacon for educators who strive to seamlessly connect classroom learning with the ever-evolving demands of the modern workforce. This toolkit is not just a collection of lessons; it’s a comprehensive bridge linking tangible skills acquisition with viable career pathways in the creative industry.

At its core, this toolkit offers a diverse range of lessons and exercises in pivotal creative disciplines including design, photography, marketing, songwriting, and finance. Each subject area is intricately woven with practical, industry-relevant content, ensuring that students are not only learning skills but are also gaining insights into how these skills translate into real-world applications.

With the release of our new book, we are excited to announce an accompanying challenge to engage readers with its content. We are presenting two challenges:

Ignite Creativity Challenge: This challenge is aimed at creatives aged 17 to 27 with interests in fashion, design, photography, and creative writing. Participants are required to create a portfolio using four skill Certifications outlined in the book. The top three portfolios will be awarded $1,000 each.

Application Submission Link

Inspire Creativity Challenge: This challenge targets educators involved in schools and after-school programs. We encourage you to create a “remix” program based on the book’s model, incorporating a mix of Certifications and activities presented in the book, along with your own ideas. Use the templates provided in the book to design a program spanning 4 to 6 weeks. The best program will receive a $10,000 award for their organization.

Application Submission Link

The winners of both challenges will be announced in June.
