First Name (required)
Last Name (required)
Your Email (required)
Gender (required) MaleFemale
Street Address (required)
City (required)
State (required)
Zip Code (required)
Primary Phone
Alternate Phone
When is your birthday? (must be between the ages of ages of 14 - 23 at the time of application)(required)
Race African American/BlackHispanic/LatinoAsianNative Hawaiian/Other Pacific IslanderWhiteOther
Do you have any children? YesNo
With whom do you live?
Are you currently enrolled in school? YesNo
Have you applied to our program before? If so, please specify when: Fall 2013Spring 2014Summer ASM 2015None of the above
Which talent do you have? (This program is only for performing artists - rappers, singers & poets. Please do not apply if you're a producer!) SingerRapperPoet
If you are currently enrolled in school, please check the level you are currently enrolled in: High SchoolCollegeTrade SchoolI'm not currently enrolled in schoolOther
Full Name of Your School (please type "none" if you are not enrolled in school)
If you are in college, which degree/certificate are you pursuing?
If you dropped out of High School, or did not earn a diploma, would you be interested in an opportunity to re-enroll in school through Donda's House? YesNo
Are you currently employed? YesNo
Approximately how many hours per week do you work?
Have you ever been convicted of a felony (This will not have any bearing on your acceptance into the program. This will simply help us provide you with support and resources if you are accepted into the program) YesNo
If you have been convicted of a felony, please describe briefly: (required)
Upload your portfolio: